Auditorium in Arequipa, Peru


Auditorium in Arequipa, Peru

Competition. 2014 – 2nd Prize

We propose to occupy a place without isolating it from the environment and its memory. The city of Arequipa is located in a valley whose skyline is dominated by a series of volcanic cones and it is this silhouette around us which we intend to trap and become protagonist of the new auditorium.

The size of the proposed program invites us to occupy the whole area with a large audience in the form of flexible space and visually connected in all directions with the environment.

The rest of the program will be housed in a large structure, necessary to protect the main room without any visual obstacle. That way it is achieved on the one hand to maximize the extension of the main space, as it is the only use of the ground floor, and on the other hand the rest of the program visually and physically linked with the audience and with the environment itself.

Architect: Ignacio Borrego
Collaborator Architect: Alejandro de Miguel
Collaborators: Aleksandra Łopuszyńska, Mateusz Stawarski, Mónica Gaspar Bonilla
Developer: Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú – IIMP
Competition: 2nd Prize ex aequo (2014)

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